Sunday 7 June 2015


Today's post is all about fitness.

A lot of people get all stress when you mention fitness because most people think about hours of salving away in a sweaty gym. But it doesn't have to be like that. There are some simple and enjoyable ways to get fit.

You don't need to be lifting Dumbbells and being looked at in the gym because, let's face it, you probably don't know how to use most of those things. Here are some fun and easy ways to get to your goal.

Squats are very good as an exercise and get you dat booty.

Sprinting is also great, even though it is commonly looked over.

Going for jogs/runs are also the best by the seaside.

There are loads of exercises that you can do but if you always forget or are just procrastinating, work out apps are the best. They send you notifications to get yo butt moving and that's very motivational. 

I hope this has helped. Thank yooou 
Byeeee ⭐️⭐️