Sunday 15 March 2015

Making 2015 even better

Hey guys⭐️⭐️

So, today I really wanted to talk to you all about health and all that good stuff. Lately, I have been trying to modify my diet and all that. Eating better is a good change at any age. It helps with your skin, your body and even your confidence.

But being healthy is not just about eating healthy, it's also about your everyday life. 

Recently, I have been working out a lot more and getting active. I go to gym everyday (except on weekend, because well deep down aren't we all sloths on Saturday and Sunday?) and I have recently started to surf. I am in no way a pro or trainer, but I have learnt a thing or two for previous coaches or others at the gym doing their thang. 

My workout routine: 
1. I have downloaded an app on my phone called 7 Minute Ab Workout. It's not really 7 minutes but I still feel great when I am done
2. I run. I really love running. I used to run a lot in primary school but now I am in a high school with no sports so gym and surfing keep me 👌
3. I cycle with my dad sometimes and if you go for a ride you can hardly feel the burn but it does wonders.
4. Push ups. These things are so hard and I am so bad at the but we all got to be a bit stupid and ambitious some times

Another tip for a healthier lifestyle is to just chill and take life lightly (deeeeep). Sometimes it's cool to run yourself a bubbly and fragrant bath and just lie there. Have a cold glass of water and a candle and some nice music, even some YouTube videos playing; basically just relax.

Despite all this, you need to treat yourself. Have a chocolate bar on Saturday or a spoon of Nutella, because remember you are beautiful just being you.

That is it for this week guys, but next week I will give you some of my fave recipes for breakfast, lunch, anything really.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you soon. Byeeee 🌌

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